Birman cat breed information and advice
The Birman, also known as the “Sacred Cat of Burma”, is an ancient breed. The name comes from the French word for Burma, Birmanie. While there is no clear record of their origin, Birman cats are thought to have guarded temple priests in Burma (now Myanmar).
Legend has it that a pair of breeding cats were given as thanks to two soldiers for defending the temple. The soldiers returned to France in 1919 taking the cats with them. Birmans were born through breeding with Persian and Siamese cats and introduced into the UK in the 1960s.
With their silky coat, blue eyes, white paws, and bushy tail, Birmans are a beautiful breed of cat. They’re also affectionate, gentle and make great companions. This breed guide will give you advice on how to care for your Birman cat.
Birman cat facts

Lifespan | 12 – 16 years |
How much | £450 – £1,250 |
Size | Medium to large |
Weight | 2.7 – 5.4 kg |
Colours | Seal point, blue, chocolate, lilac, red, cream, tortie point |
Grooming | Weekly brush |
Temperament | Affectionate, gentle, curious |
Exercise | Moderate – regular playtime |
Pet insurance for Birman cats
The Birman is generally a healthy breed of cat. But you never know when your pet may get ill or have an accident. Having Birman cat insurance can help cover the cost of vet bills for surgery and medication. It can also help with any ongoing expenses and vet visits.
Common health conditions that can affect Birman cats include:
• Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
• Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (AD-PKD)
• Congenital hypotrichiosis
• Ocular dermoid
Fortunately, when compared to other breeds, Birmans have one of the longest life expectancies. With the added protection of cat insurance, they can go on to live happy, healthy lives.
Sainsbury’s Bank Pet Insurance
With Sainsbury’s Bank Pet Insurance, you can take out a cat insurance policy as long as your Birman is over eight weeks and less than 10 years old. If you take out an insurance policy before they’re 10, the cover will be continued year after year. So, no need to worry about mounting health bills as your cat ages.
We offer three different pet insurance policies to choose from:
- Lifetime – our most comprehensive policy which covers your Birman cat for ongoing issues and up to 10,000 towards vet fees.
- Maximum benefit – claim for the same condition multiple times during the policy’s lifetime, as well as cover for vet costs of up to £6,000.
- Time limited – cover vet costs for your Birman’s short-term health issues of up to £3,000, or for 12 months.
Whatever cover you choose, you’ll have vet nurses on hand 24/7 to answer any of your pet health queries. And you can also manage your policy online.
Please note, we can't cover any pre-existing conditions. Terms, conditions, excesses, exclusions and limitations apply.
How to care for your Birman cat breed
Thanks to their easy-going personality and friendly temperament, Birman cats are easy to care for. Their luxurious coat is deceptively low maintenance, and their feeding needs are minimal. Provide them with a balanced diet, daily exercise, weekly grooming and lots of attention and you’ll both be fine.
Feeding and nutrition
Birman cats don’t have any special dietary requirements. But like other breeds, they should be fed a complete balanced diet that is high in protein and low in carbs. Birmans can easily become sluggish if left to graze their food. Keep an eye on your cat’s diet to ensure they’re not overeating.
Speak to your vet to determine which food to use and the right amount according to their age, activity levels and health needs. If you want to change their cat food, do so gradually to avoid any tummy upset.
Birmans are semi-longhaired cats. But, their fur has no undercoat, which makes it easy to take care of and less prone to matting. All they need is a weekly brush or comb to keep their coat in good condition. Consider a cat comb with rotating teeth or a “slicker” brush to gently remove dead fur.
Birman cats are not known to like water so, if you want to bath your cat, try to start bathing them when they are young so that they get used to it. Try to clip their claws regularly, especially with older cats.
There are no special exercise needs for the Birman cat, but regular playtime will help to keep them at a healthy weight. Birmans can become lazy if they’re not stimulated, so fun, interactive games will encourage them to stay active – even on lazy days.
Their laidback temperament means they’re suited to being indoor cats. Not only are they very chilled, but their long, silken fur can pick up dirt and debris easily. They’re also friendly with strangers, which can lead to theft or straying if left to go outdoors.
Birmans are intelligent and will be interested in whatever you are doing – so expect a fluffy shadow. You can train your cat to do tricks such as playing fetch, which is a great form of exercise. They will also enjoy interactive play and puzzle toys. And after playtime, they’ll happily curl up on your lap for a nap.
As an intelligent breed, you’ll also find your Birman will pick up toilet or litter training quickly. Invest in toys with a food dispenser to get your Birman cat to ‘work’ for their treats. Fun and enriching all in one.
Temperament and behaviour
With a sweet nature, Birman cats love human company. And they don’t like to be alone all day so consider getting a littermate or another companion cat. If you’re also a dog person, don’t worry – they’ll get on with cat-friendly dogs as well.
Birmans also don’t have a high prey drive, so you’re less likely to be left any unexpected presents. As with any cat, make sure you give your Birman a space to retreat to if they want some alone time.
Common health problems
Birmans can be affected by the usual health problems such as obesity, hyperthyroidism and kidney problems seen in many other cat breeds. But, there are a few health conditions associated with the breed that you should be aware of. Make sure your cat has regular vet health checks. Taking out pet insurance can help take care of the costs associated with these health conditions.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or HCM is the most common heart disease in cats and can be inherited in Birmans. The heart muscle becomes thick and leads to heart failure. Screening using ultrasonography can identify cats with the condition, and affected cats should not be bred from.
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (AD-PKD)
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease or AD-PKD is an inherited condition that has been known to affect Birmans. This causes cysts to form in the kidneys. Affected cats usually develop signs of kidney disease between three and 10 years of age. There’s no cure, but there are treatments that may help to improve the cat’s quality of life. Affected cats should not be allowed to breed.
Congenital hypotrichiosis
Congenital hypotrichiosis is a rare condition that can be inherited in Birman cats. Affected kittens will be born hairless or with a decreased amount of fur. They’re more susceptible to infections and have a shortened life expectancy. A genetic test is now available so that cats carrying the mutated gene can be identified.
Ocular dermoid
Birmans can be affected by a congenital defect known as an ocular dermoid. This is a condition where hair grows on the cornea or on the conjunctiva in the eye. Mild cases require no treatment. In more severe casts, surgery may be needed to remove the hair if it affects the cat’s eyesight.
So, is a Birman cat right for you?
Birmans are suited to most households. These sociable cats will fit in with families with children and other pets. But, it’s always wise to supervise young children around pets. Birman cats enjoy company so if you’re out all day, they may need a littermate or companion to keep them from getting lonely and bored.
Frequently asked questions
Can Birman cats go outside?
Birman cats are usually kept as indoor cats. Some may enjoy going outside. If you let your Birman cat outside, make sure that the space is enclosed and safe for them to explore.
How long do Birman cats live?
Birman cats are one of the few breeds with a lengthy life expectancy and can live 12-16 years. They can be extremely friendly, and their curious minds can lead them to explore if let outside. Protect your Birman from straying, theft, illnesses with cat insurance, so you can enjoy them for years to come.
Do Birman cats shed?
Birmans have a semi-longhaired coat but have no undercoat. This makes their coat less prone to matting. They’re also less prone to shedding which is good news if someone in your family has an allergy.
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Sainsbury's Bank plc, Registered Office, 33 Holborn, London EC1N 2HT (registered in England and Wales, no. 3279730) is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (register no. 184514). Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd is an appointed representative of Sainsbury's Bank plc.
Sainsbury's Bank plc acts as an introducer to Pinnacle Insurance plc who is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (register number 110866). Registered Office: Pinnacle House, A1 Barnet Way, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, WD6 2XX. Sainsbury’s Bank plc and Pinnacle Insurance plc are not part of the same corporate group.