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Student contents insurance

Student contents insurance is included as standard with Sainsbury’s Bank home insurance policies. Read on to find out what’s covered while they’re at university.

Contents insurance for students

When the day finally arrives for your teenager to fly the nest, student contents insurance will probably be the last thing you want to think about. 

So, it's a good job our home contents cover includes contents insurance for students as standard. Enjoy peace of mind that even while they’re away from home, their valuables are protected during term-time.

What is student contents insurance?

Sainsbury’s Bank offers student contents insurance as part of our home insurance cover, making things easier when your kids leave for university. 

Student contents insurance could protect valuables against theft, loss or damage in student accommodation. 

At the start of a new term your teenager may decide to get new technology and gadgets. For their (and your) peace of mind, make sure these are covered by insurance for students.

Lucky for you, you won’t need to invest in a second policy to help cover their belongings while they’re studying.

As long as their permanent address is still set as your UK home while they’re a student, your insurance will automatically cover them during term-time.  

Why get home contents insurance with student insurance included?

Buildings insurance is typically handled by landlords when renting, however, this might not cover an occupant’s belongings. Some universities offer student insurance for contents as part of rental contracts, but there’s no guarantee that this extends to high value items.

Students use their laptops and mobile phones daily to do coursework and keep in touch with family and friends. Having student contents insurance as part of your home insurance that helps cover gadgets and expensive equipment could mean you avoid costly replacements if they’re lost or damaged.

The move to university is challenging enough, from securing a place on their dream course and finding a room, to purchasing everything they need and settling in. Put your mind at ease about the safety of their belongings with appropriate student accommodation insurance.

Your child could end up living with other students in halls, or sharing a house with people they don’t know in an unfamiliar area. While adjusting to a new setting, the last thing they need is the fear of theft. Student home contents insurance can offer you both some peace of mind if anything is stolen from their flat or house.

What’s covered with our student contents insurance in the UK?

Sainsbury’s Bank contents cover – including contents insurance for students as standard – can help protect belongings that are lost or damaged in student accommodation. To qualify, your child needs to be in full-time education and living away from home. Students are covered wherever they are in the UK, and we could pay up to £5,000 for any one event. 

This table shows what’s covered and how you can increase your protection for an additional cost, with optional accidental damage insurance:

  Theft at home or term time accommodation Accidental damage
Mobile Phone Optional Extra
Camera Optional Extra
Fitness Bands & Smart Watches Optional Extra


What isn't covered by our student contents insurance?

With Sainsburys Bank contents insurance there are conditions and exclusions, including on the student contents insurance cover. 

Here are some of the main things we don’t cover:

  • Bicycles, money and credit cards 
  • Loss or damage caused by theft or attempted theft where no one forced their way in or out of the student's accommodation
  • Accidental damage (unless selected as an optional add-on)
  • Belongings when no-one was at home for more than 60 days in a row

Also, if your child’s living situation changes, it’s advised that you review your cover to ensure their contents are protected going forward.

You can take a look at our policy documents for all the details.

How does student contents insurance cover protect valuables? 

Of course, our hope is that your children never need to make a claim. When moving into university accommodation, these tips on securing their room and belongings could help them avoid some common pitfalls:

  • They should always lock all doors and windows whenever heading out, so their room isn’t an easy target for thieves. This is important for students who have routines and are away from their rooms at particular times each week
  • They need to ensure valuables aren’t in plain view, especially if they live on the ground floor
  • They should get to know the people who live in the halls so it’s easier to spot anyone lingering around the building without reason
  • Remind them not to be flashy with new and expensive purchases in public areas that may draw attention to thieves
  • They should protect keys and fobs and be aware of who has copies so thieves can’t enter their property undetected

Get a quote for home insurance which includes student contents insurance

With all the planning and expense that goes into helping your teenager settle in, contents insurance for student houses shouldn’t be an afterthought.

Make sure your insurance includes protection for their belongings while they’re away from home.

Our contents insurance conveniently covers student accommodation, so valuables can be protected both at university and at your family home.

Just keep in mind that cover limits, exclusions and excesses apply. To find out more about what’s covered – and what’s not – take a look at our policy documents.


Learn more about our policies

Buildings cover

Our buildings insurance helps protect your property and the structure of your home, from windows and doors, to the roof and permanent fittings

Contents cover

Contents insurance helps cover your furniture, family heirlooms and gadgets, so you’ve help replacing any items lost, stolen or damaged

Buildings and contents cover

Looking to cover your home from the water pipes to the big-screen TV? Combined buildings and home contents insurance might be for you

Tailor your policy with optional extras

Don’t forget that you can tailor your home insurance policy to suit you with our range of optional extras.

Choose to add on things like:

  • Home Emergency Cover – to protect against things like burst pipes.
  • Key Cover - get replacement locks and keys, and access to a nationwide network of locksmiths if you're locked out
  • Excess Cover – meaning you can get your excess refunded if you make an eligible claim. 

Helpful guides

For hints and tips on all things home insurance, have a look at our tools and guides.


Any questions?

Please take a look at the frequently asked questions on our home and buildings insurance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need student contents insurance?

While contents insurance for students is not a legal requirement, it is worth having. Protect your precious items from theft, loss or damage while you’re studying away from home for your peace of mind.

Am I covered by my parents’ contents insurance?

Yes. If your parents have Sainsbury’s Bank Home Contents Insurance, your precious items are protected while you’re living at your term time accommodation. You just need to double check that your permanent address is still set to your UK family home address – not your term time one.